TED Ed Event Free to General Public

Location: Rock Math+Science Center - Lecture Hall - Ramirez
Emma Hashemi and Claire Varnai, both seniors at The John Cooper School, have organized a TED Ed event on Saturday, February 25 from 5 to 7 p.m. in the Ramirez Lecture Hall in the Rock Math + Science Center on campus. The program is free and the general public is invited to attend.

Nine student members of Cooper’s TED Ed Club, who have been researching and developing ideas worth sharing, are now ready to present their ideas in the form of TED-style talks.  “The key component of a TED talk is to talk about something you are passionate about,” Varnai explained.

The following students will participate in the first TED Ed event held at Cooper: Sarvani Desabhotla - "The Evolution of Consciousness;" Sakethram Desabhotla - "The Historical Distortion of Ancient India;" Gabriel Sanchez Ainsa – "The Importance of Reading;" Nina Rivela - "The Value of Beauty;" Ian Steneker - "The Problems with Consumer 3D Printing;" Bolurin Ojofeitimi - "Benefits of Having an Outlet;" Sonya Bhatia – “Empowerment;” Maya Robles – “Quality or Quantity in Literature;” and Jonathan Spangler-Sakata "Live Rogue."

Hashemi and Varnai initiated the Cooper chapter of the club last November, joining 3,000 student TED Ed Clubs located in 115 countries. The two student leaders will introduce the speakers who will speak for five to ten minutes each. There will be an intermission and opportunities for the audience to ask questions of the speakers. 

“The format of the talks vary, as some are more scientific, while others are more relaxed and personal,” Varnai continued. “This event is going to be a new and exciting addition to Cooper, and we hope it will continue next year after Emma and I graduate.” For more information on TED-Ed clubs, go to http://ed.ted.com/clubs. For information about the Cooper TED Ed event, contact faculty sponsor Adam Valenstein at avalenstein@johncooper.org.

From Curiosity to Wisdom
The John Cooper School is an independent, non-sectarian, co-educational, college preparatory day school. Our mission is to provide a challenging education in a caring environment to a diverse group of select students, enabling them to become critical and creative thinkers, effective communicators, responsible citizens and leaders, and lifelong learners.

The John Cooper School seeks to attract qualified individuals of diverse backgrounds to its faculty, staff, and student body. The School does not discriminate against any individual in admissions, educational programs, personnel policies, general practices, or employment, on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, physical disability, or age.